First year Project

High Street 2012 is a program of public realm improvements along the street from Aldgate to Stratford. The project aims to upgrade the street from Whitechapel Road to Stratford High Street, and to provide a lasting legacy from the 2012 Games for local communities. As London met first year architecture students we have been playing both an interesting and exciting role in the project. The combination of 100 students researching and designing for spesific sites along the street has resulted in great in-depth and unique knowledge of the street that has not been gathered before.

High St 2012

High St 2012
1st year project

Friday, 21 May 2010

Duty of Care Seminar

We found that duty of care was inherently linked with practice. In particular, we saw duty of care located in concrete models of practice that are adaptable, measured, and culturally/historically/site sensitive. Further, we see it linked to the setting up of firm boundaries in these models of practice, to the extent that a measured decision is made in regard to the ambitions of a project and what is achievable with the budget, personnel and technologies available. A case study of how such a duty of care is neglected is the Ryugyang Hotel, North Korea (construction ceased prematurely in 1992), where the enormous ambitions of the project did not measure up against the budget available to the project. Jobs were lost, promises were not met, and as such, a duty of care was abused.

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