First year Project

High Street 2012 is a program of public realm improvements along the street from Aldgate to Stratford. The project aims to upgrade the street from Whitechapel Road to Stratford High Street, and to provide a lasting legacy from the 2012 Games for local communities. As London met first year architecture students we have been playing both an interesting and exciting role in the project. The combination of 100 students researching and designing for spesific sites along the street has resulted in great in-depth and unique knowledge of the street that has not been gathered before.

High St 2012

High St 2012
1st year project

Friday, 21 May 2010

David Sanderson - Guardian Article

Hambi's idea of enablement is echoed by David Sanderson, who suggests architects need to 'move beyond their traditional role of designers of buildings in places of relative uncertainty, to become facilitators of building processss that involve people in places of uncertainty and rapid change'. Sanderson writes in relation to architectural involvement in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquakes.

see below:

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